
광주화루 소개


Gwangju Hwaru

Gwangju Hwaru is one of the cultural projects that Kwangju Bank has established in order for the advancement of Korean painting.
'Hwaru' is a term with origins. While Chusa Kim Jeong-hui (金正喜, 1786 ~ 1856) was staying in Yongsan, Seoul after returning from exile at Jeju Island, his disciples gathered to compete their talent for calligraphy and paintings and received the praises from Kim.
At this time, the name of the painter group was Hoe-ru(繪壘), and the scholar group was Mook-jin(墨陣).

Gwangju Hwaru is a name made by replacing 'Hoe' from Hoe-ru with 'Hwa(畵)' accentuating the meaning of picture. Gwangju Hwaru aims to succeed in the spirit of Hoeru in which artists competed only with picture.
Through this, we would like to become a ‘ru(壘, backbone)’ that supports Korean painting of our time.
Gwangju Hwaru supports young artists' challenges for the future of Hangukhwa.


광주화루 光州畵壘

광주화루란 이름은 추사 김정희의 제자들이 서로 경쟁하며 실력을 키우던 ‘회루繪壘’에서 고안하였다.
광주가 한국화의 전통과 맥을 지키는 ‘보루’가 되어, 풍성한 문화적 유산을 일궈가겠다는 의지를 담았다.